Twitter - Will.I.Am (The Big Fat Bass)

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Will.I.Am divulgou, como tinha prometido, um preview da sua faixa "The Big Fat Bass" (que confirmou ser este mesmo o título, já avançado pelo Britney Star) para Britney, através do seu Twitter. Divulgou uma imagem que, ao que consta, é o cover do single e ainda fez uma descrição da canção! Confere:

the big fat bass
this is a taste
this is the intro
the bass is an important element to club dance music
this song celebrates bass
thank you britney for collaborating it was a pleasure working with you
thank you for trusting my instincts
you're a doll
i look forward on working with you again...
its an honor because you rarely do collaboration...
im your second...
im glad you like the big fat bass...
i did this little art my self on my mac...
i made it on the plane from japan to l.a...
i hope your britney army likes it as much as we do

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